Jas Snell, BSA

Senior Consultant
Pronouns: She/Her

Jas is an advocate and consultant in the Child Welfare and Homeless Services field. She is also a graduate of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a minor in Criminal Justice. Jas is currently working on her Certified Public Accountancy license while serving in roles as a Certified Peer Support Specialist, Young Adult Consultant Coach, Jim Casey Initiative Young Fellow & Coach, member of the National Advisory Council for Children’s (NACC) Legal Representation, and community volunteer. Jas is passionate about improving the outcomes for those who touch child and family serving systems and uses her expertise gained through surviving them to influence holistic practices and policy reformation. She believes that every family deserves the opportunity to stay together while being served in a time of need. Her ultimate goal is to start a primary school that offers two-generational services for youth ages 3-20 years old.

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